Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This story is filled with so much action, friendship, a little romance, loyalty as well as betrayal. Teagan was having a quite easy life, surrounded by her best friends, Michelle and Mark, when a new student came to the academy. Little by little, strange things started happening to Michelle and other mage girls, and suddenly, the Watch was close to school, rather than keeping them all safe from a distance.

The characters are all very realistic - with flaws - but still strong in many ways. And there is a lot of heartache, too. I cried as much as I laughed and cheered Teagan on. The ending left me seething - wanting the next book right now! Because even if one of the story-arcs came to a conclusion, there are loose threads that need to be found.

I buddy-read this one with my blogger-wife Brandee, and we both thought this is one of the best debuts we've ever read!

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  • Started reading
  • 12 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 12 August, 2018: Reviewed