Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

It’s been a while since I’ve read the other two collection books from this series. But it really doesn’t matter as while they all play their part in making the next story, it’s not relevant that I don’t really remember what happened in the [ast 6 books, that deters me from getting involved with this set.
From the moment I picked this book up and finally decide to read it, I was hooked and didn’t want to put it down. Starting from 7 with The Huntress it could’ve even been its own series entirely. A great urban fantasy right there. Then with Black Dawn, it just took it a little further bringing more of this world into the mixed, especially with its different setting. Finally, with A Circle Daybreak, it sort of mixes things up, making you think about things a little differently, especially with new characters coming into the mix, and things like ancient beings such as dragons. Circle Daybreak, I didn’t exactly know who the wild power was from the get-go like I did with the others, and it intrigued me even more. But once the wild power finally was revealed it was probably one of the best ways it could be done.

Pros of this book and the Author:
L.J. Smith has always had some of the best writing that I have read. She definitely knows how to get an audience intrigued, no matter how old the books get. Also with using Millenial, instead of using a date most will know when this takes place from when the books were originally written, but for present and future readers, it doesn’t make you think of the year in specific. Her worlds are so detailed, and the character build up is pretty immaculate. When I first tried reading the Vampire Diaries, I couldn’t seem to get into it, because I had already started watching the show and the characters were completely different in the show then they were in the book. However, after reading these I might give it another go at some point in time.
Con’s of this book and the Author:
Well, the only cons I have is that it would be great to have the last book in this series. I understand it had to be put on the back burner because of her hits like Vampire Diaries and Secret Circle. But it is due time for the ending of this series. My one complaint is that Ms. Smith can’t come up with a factual and legitimate timeline of the release (If there is actually going to be one) of this book. Or at least let the fan base and readers know, “Hey I’m sorry I will not be finishing this series, I apologize for keeping you hanging”. But in all honesty that’s exactly what’s going on, you read this, you get involved in it, and then boom dropped like a bad habit. It’s in poor taste in my opinion. So maybe hopefully one day we will actually see Strange Fate on Amazon, B&N and the like.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2018: Reviewed