The Nightmare Effect by Saxmei Milano

The Nightmare Effect

by Saxmei Milano

When an ancient battle between good and evil lands in a small New Hampshire Town during the 21st Century, sixteen-year-old Deial Gipsch becomes involved with strangers that are more like her than she could ever imagine, and comes to realize she is not actually who she thinks she is.

Reviewed by Amber (The Literary Phoenix) on

4 of 5 stars


Actual rating 3.5/5.

The Nightmare Effect is a paranormal romance, and I have *such* trouble with paranormal romances. I am not a romantic person. Stories like [b:Graceling|3236307|Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1)|Kristin Cashore||3270810], where they like to keep it chill, work best for me. I love [b:Clariel|20662728|Clariel (Abhorsen, #4)|Garth Nix||6125574] because when someone tries to initiate romance, Clariel shuts them down hard. In YA, it's far too easy to let the romance take over the fantasy plot and I like the fantasy plot *better*. But the romance > plot scenario is really common in YA paranormal, so this is a "me problem," clearly.

This book has some really great scenes and the dialogue flows really well. The author clearly loves her characters and has taken troubles to make them all feel different and unique. As a reader, there's a lot of characters to keep track of, but page one of this book is a cast-of-characters, so if you're feeling lost, you need only flip back!

If you're looking for a light weekend read or something for a flight or a beach day, The Nightmare Effect will suit you well. It's a quick read with a heroine who has a complicated family life and complicate future. There are good friendships and a sappy romance, perfect for a day of guilty pleasure YA romance.

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  • 17 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2018: Reviewed
  • Started reading
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  • 17 June, 2018: Reviewed