Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Otter Lagoon is an engaging fantasy graphic novel and the second book in a series by Mike and Nancy Deas. Due out 13th April 2021 from Orca Books, it's 192 pages and will be available in paperback format.

This is a really fun graphic adventure with a gang of kids, cryptozoology (sea monsters!) an island setting in the Pacific Northwest and a well written plot with lots of action and twists. Despite being the second book in the series, it worked very well as a standalone read and I had no trouble keeping track of who was who.

I enjoyed the story. Although the writing is aimed at younger readers (middle grade-ish), I found the characters well rendered and believable and the narrative arc paced and written well. The magical/sea monster plot element added whimsy and pathos. The art is simple but expressive and supports the storyline. I liked that main protagonist wasn't perfect; she's dealing with ethical dilemmas the best way she can and she learns and grows throughout the book. I also like that the characters are ethnically diverse. It's not played up in the story, but representation is important. Jenna and her little brother Sleeves and their friends are kids and they were written to be kids.

Four stars. This would make a good selection for public or school library acquisition, home library, gifting, or for a group read-along.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2021: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2021: Reviewed