Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

This actually disappointed me. I love Jill's books, they're so much fun usually, but I was soooooooo annoyed when Beth said she wasn't going to let Rocco walk all over her, be another notch on his bed post etc, and then within the next chapter he'd managed to charm her with no discernible charm ARGHHH.

It was a cute read, a quick read, a charming read, but it was so frustrating because I expected better from Beth, than to be your typical Chick Lit heroine who falls for the bad boy, though I never saw any of that either. Yes, he had his apparently angry moments, but Rocco was no Gordon Ramsay. There was no fire, no spark, I wanted more swear-y and Gordon Ramsay attitude.

I didn't hate the book by any stretch of the imagination, I was just disappointed. It was only okay. Millie was very much the highlight, because you cannot beat having a dog in a book, they ALWAYS make it that little bit better.

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  • 13 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 December, 2015: Reviewed