Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

What would you do if you found a stray dog who suddenly turned into a gorgeous, naked man? Take him home and fall in love, of course! That is exactly what Regina does with Yves in One Hot Knight. Cursed to be a Saint Bernard for the past 900 after pissing off the wrong witch, Yves has traveled near and far to find the woman who would break her curse. Then one sunny day, he meets Regina in the park and he becomes a man again. At least temporarily. After the initial shock wears off, she agrees to give him a place to stay and help him out for two weeks. Both of them definitely get more than what they’ve bargained for!

One Hot Knight was so much fun! I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading. Sure the story isn’t that original, and there’s a twist that I saw coming a mile away, but it’s such a feel good and flirty tale. I adored Yves’ mix of chivalrous charm and outdated sexism. He may have been around for a long time, but since he spent most of that time as a dog, he hasn’t fully come up to date with human customs and way of life. He and Regina bump heads a few times in the beginning, but the attraction is definitely there. The amount of sexual tension is through the roof! I also really liked Regina. She gets along much better with animals than she does with people, so maybe that’s why she falls for Yves so quickly?

If you’re looking for a quick, fun Paranormal Romance, One Hot Knight is definitely worth the read. I loved the mix of history, magic, and romance! It’s funny, sexy, and sweet and guaranteed to make you smile and leave you feeling good after the last page. It is very short, so at times the story felt rushed, especially toward the end, but it was nothing too bad that hindered my enjoyment of it.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 18 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2013: Reviewed