Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

Two words ... that ending!

As most know, cliffhangers are never my favorite, but besides the point, I LOVEEEEEEE this book! There was so much suspense and I just wanted more. This book definitely pulled me in more than the first in the series, so I was very happy with this one.

We learn so much more about this world, the abilities that the mages and shapeshifters have were so fascinating, I was intrigued by all of it especially Amelia. We all know that she's capable of so much , but she still has so much to learn, especially since it's been caged for so long. One can only predict what kind of power would be unleashed.

The book picks up right where it left off in the first one and we get a beautiful double POV, I was so happy about that. To be honest, from the beginning to the end, I was definitely more interested in Aidan's story, Amelia's POV wasn't bad, but she was a sitting duck for a bit ... more like trapped in my opinion, so there were only so many things she could do with her.

Ah Aidan, he's the second "Aiden" character I've loved! I'm so glad that we got to see his thoughts because we get more from him. There were so many missing puzzle pieces in the first book and it all cleared up in this one. His development from beginning to end is awesome, he becomes quite the man, especially when his life had so much unknown, but it due time, all is revealed.

Unfortunately I have to be vague with my review, SO MUCH is revealed in this book. Plenty of oooo and ahhhhhh moments. Not only can you see the growth in Aidan, but with the whole book in general. And with all the characters, there's some new faces that'll grow on you. And I hope we get to see a lot more of them in the third installment.

MUST HAVE THE THIRD BOOK ASAP! I'm dying to know what happens!
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  • Started reading
  • 25 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 March, 2015: Reviewed