The Way Life Should Be by Christina Baker Kline

The Way Life Should Be

by Christina Baker Kline

Feeling stuck in her personal life and career, thirty-three-year-old Angela pursues a seemingly idyllic online relationship with a sailing instructor from Maine, relocates there, and learns important truths about understanding her own heart in finding happiness.

Reviewed by lovelybookshelf on

4 of 5 stars

Kline crafts a story that's so enjoyable. It's perfect whenever you want a light, comfort read. It's easy to live vicariously through her characters. As a bonus, tasty Italian recipes are included at end of the novel. I know I'll be reaching for Kline's other novels in the future. 4 1/2 stars. Read my full review of this title at A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall.

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  • 31 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 September, 2014: Reviewed
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  • 18 September, 2014: Reviewed
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  • 18 September, 2014: Reviewed