The Fake Date by Lynda Stacey

The Fake Date

by Lynda Stacey

Nine hours and eleven minutes ...
That's how long it's been since Ella Hope was beaten to within an inch of life and left for dead.
She lies, unable to move and praying for somebody to find her, as she counts down the minutes and wonders who could have hated her so much to have hurt her so badly.
Was it the man she went on a date with the previous evening, the man linked to the deaths of two other women? Or somebody else, somebody who wants her out of the picture so much they're willing to kill?
Whoever it is, they will pay. All Ella has to do first is survive ...

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

How this book starts is absolutely terrifying! A girl in a field who is near death after someone has basically battered her. It made my heart wrench to why someone could be so cruel and sadistic! It’s never who you think it is!

Not going to lie, in my mind, everyone is a suspect, this is probably because I read so many of these types of books. So, from Bobby, the farmer, to Will the neighbour even the lead suspect of it all. I love trying to figure out whodunnit and for a change I let the book guide me.

We are guided through the points of view of Bella and Will, but keep up as the POV change quickly! And an unknown person watching Ella, because she should not have survived the attack, and this person is pissed! It was horrible reading these bits too, as her attacker is constantly watching her. Freak-y!

I like Ella, to me she was rather realistic, yes we have the “pity party” after her attack, which I am sorry if you were not affected then there would be something wrong. But it is Ella’s determination, after the court case, not only to get her life back but to find out who did this to her. Her strength in this mission of her was inspiring as she had something to live for again whilst recovering if you can ever truly recover.

Must say, the book cover won me over before I even read the blurb, I was intrigued and wanted to know more about why she was fighting for her life. It also makes me glad I am not on the dating scene anymore after this! I mean how can you trust anyone!

This is my first encounter with this author, and her writing style and book has made me intrigued to read more by her.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 25 September, 2018: Reviewed