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3 of 5 stars

Lili was someone I liked from the very beginning; I understood her need to do things on her own, and her streak of stubbornness. I liked the way she had attitude even when faced with the reality of werewolves and being abducted by a very sexy Alpha.

Cade seen through Lili’s eyes was so hot that I could overlook the insta-attraction, let’s jump into bed story line. That’s pretty standard for shifter stories these days, and if it’s done right like it was done here then I enjoy it. Cade has money, and is used to women falling all over themselves to be with him, I liked that Lili didn’t fawn over him just because he had money. She fawned over him because he was incredibly hot, and I’m ok with that.

Cade is even more endearing for loving Lili because she stands up to him. He’s an Alpha, so he isn’t used to that, and instead of hating it, recognizes it for the blessing it is. Someone who won’t just instantly submit, who he can have an actual argument with and probably lose, I loved that about him. It showed that he’s more than the power he wields.

I loved that even while Lili admitted she was beyond attracted to him, she didn’t instantly want to stay with him forever and have babies. It’s refreshing to see a heroine that sticks up for herself. The underlying danger from outside characters was well developed and added to the story.

I would easily read this book again, and read other books by Milly Taiden in the future. If she could make me enjoy and invest in a shorter story I can only imagine what she could do with more words.

Reviewed by Sheri V for Cocktails and Books

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  • 3 March, 2013: Reviewed