The White Masai by Corinne Hofmann

The White Masai

by Corinne Hofmann

Corinne Hofmann recounts her story of holidaying in Kenya, where she falls head over heels in love with a Masai warrior. Despite the enormous cultural gulf between them, not to mention the lack of common language, Hofmann, a middle class Swiss boutique owner, gives up western life, to rejoin her Masai warrior and his way of life.

Reviewed by Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews on

1 of 5 stars

While on Safari with her then boyfriend, Corinne Hofmann glimpses a Samburu Warrior, Lketinga and it is love at first sight. She drops everything in her home of Switzerland and spends the next several months stocking him around Kenya. Despite a drastic change in living conditions and neither speaking the same language, using broken English and sign language marry and between various out breaks of malaria have a daughter. After her birth Lketinga, becomes extremely jealous accusing her of sleeping with every man she comes in contact with (which wouldn't be too hard as the tribe has an in and out rule). Eventually, after denying the paternity of their daughter which has a "Maury Show" vibe to it, has enough and flees with her child back to Switzerland.

Starting at page one I could not get into the novel thinking Corinne Hofmann was the biggest fool to drop everything to move to a country for a man she could barely speak to, plus living in a house made of dung. I realize that's just the way it is in Africa and the culture aspect was interesting but I had a difficult time getting over how ridiculous and rash this woman was to enjoy the book.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 February, 2011: Finished reading
  • 2 February, 2011: Reviewed