Hydraulic Level 5 by Sarah Latchaw

Hydraulic Level 5 (The Hydraulic)

by Sarah Latchaw

Hydraulic Level Five (n.): A whitewater rapid classification indicating large waves, continuous rapids, large rocks and hazards, potential large drops, where precise maneuvering is required. Often characterized by "must make" moves, i.e. failure to execute a specific maneuver at a specific point may result in serious injury or death. Kaye is an extreme sports addict with a kind heart and an axe to grind with her childhood sweetheart and ex-husband, renowned writer Samuel Caulfield Cabral. While Samuel enjoys a celebrity life in New York, Kaye remains in their hometown of Lyons, Colorado, running her PR agency and chatting daily with Samuel's family, the beloved Cabrals-first-generation Mexican-Americans who have embraced Kaye as their own. But when Samuel returns home for his sister's wedding with a new love interest, stunning editor Caroline Ortega, the gloves are stripped off. Kaye is determined to unearth the reasons behind the death of their marriage and why two people who lived to love each other were driven apart, all leading to startling revelations about Samuel, about life, and about herself. She soon realizes that maneuvering the tumultuous waters of her relationship with Samuel will prove as dangerous as any outdoor adventure she might attempt...at least where her heart is concerned

Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

OK ... wow. Where do I even begin?!

Normally, I would go in and sum up what the story is about, but I think the synopsis does a pretty good job, right? I mean, that's what they're there for. Anywho, this story sure did a number on me, my heart was hurting throughout the entire book. Gosh, I felt like I was with them every step of the way, that's how in tune with them, you will be.

You go throughout the story constantly asking questions of "what happened between Kaye and Samuel?", you're just so eager to know! And when they start opening up and sharing, you quickly think, why was I so eager to know the truth ... I got to that point, where I just didn't want to hear more because it was just so painful to hear. It hurt people, felt it all the way deep in my heart like it was my own story (FYI, it's not like my story at all, I'm happily married to the love of my life). I should have cried during this, I wanted too, but I think I'm incapable of crying at the moment, even my sappy romance movies can't make me cry. And I usually cry .. all the time! I'll be honest, there were so many times, when I wish they'd give in and be together again, but as the story goes on and you get deeper into Kaye and Samuel's mind, you're OK with the pace that they're going. They both have a lot of issues to work through and what they need more than anything, is baby steps.

Besides the hurt, there is plenty of humor to go around! Sarah, thank you so much for adding that humor, I know we tweeted (@RomnceSchmomnce) back and forth, a little bit, yesterday. And what you said was so true, "can't write straight angst without humor. too depressing". If you didn't add the humor factor, I think I would have been a wreck. My roommate asked what I was reading, I mentioned the book and said it was pretty sad, she quickly walked away and says, "Don't tell me more, I can't hear about it at the moment". (Hind story, both of our significant others are deployed, so emotions are at an ultimate high ... therefore, I'm surprised I didn't cry ... haha!)

I haven't read a book like this and it wasn't what I was expecting. Even though the main characters are divorced, I did the quick assumption of them eventually get back together and HEA! Doesn't quite work out that way, BUT it's not like they didn't get their HEA; I think I'll call it progress. They take great strides to work on their relationship and hopefully get back to where they use to be or maybe find mutual grounds. Deep in my mind, of course, I have my hopes of the way it should end, but authors have been surprising me lately.

So, what's to love about this? EVERYTHING ... Kaye & Samuel, andy their family! You'll love them, they're pretty hilarious too, but there will also be some people, you won't like at all. I won't name names, you'll have to find out for yourself. And the way the story was formatted, it was interesting and it worked! I actually do have some questions for you, Sarah, but I think I'll do that in an email.

I'm terribly sorry, if this review was all over the place, but this book definitely goes into "My Favorites of 2013". Just so you know, their story isn't over ... we'll have to wait until the next book to see what happens.

See the rest of this post here.

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  • 8 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 September, 2013: Reviewed