Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I was very excited when Em Brown approached me to review Billionaire for New Year’s. I had reviewed Billionaire for Christmas and loved it. I was expecting to love Billionaire for New Year’s. Which I did.

The sexual relationship between Charlene and Blaine stayed sexual throughout the book. She didn’t fall in love with him after having sex with him the first time and the same went for him. What I enjoyed that Charlene is a sexually confident woman. She was game for anything that Blaine wanted and that made for some wild sex scenes. I can count on one hand how many sexually confident woman has been in romance novels that I have read. So reading about Charlene and Blaine’s escapes was very refreshing.

I can’t get into the book without revealing too much about it. I will say that I was very surprised at certain situations that cropped up right at the beginning. Let’s say that I was floored by a certain situation that happened. I was not expecting that.

The end of the book was very good but the way it ended. Ugggh. I am that person who needs to know that the characters are having their ever after. That wasn’t shown here. Instead, I got the feeling that there will be a book 3. Actually, I am hoping for a book 3. I need to see Rance/Audrey and Charlene/Blaine’s romances wrapped up.

My summary of Billionaire for New Year’s: 4 stars

Billionaire for New Year’s is a steamy, erotic romance. This book paired up my two favorite secondary characters in a story of sex, sex, and more sex. The erotic sex scenes made the book. As did the interactions between all the characters, main and secondary. This is a book that you will need a cold shower after reading it.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and language

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • Started reading
  • 1 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2017: Reviewed