Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

My longer review and teaser image can be found on GenGen's Book Blog.

I don't know where to start with this review. It was very touching and it hit me on a deep level. While some of the readers may identify with Sarah, I related to Spencer a whole lot more.

Sarah met Spencer when she was only 14-years-old. She had a crush on him as soon as she met him because he was a very good looking guy. Sarah was/is an artist and she would see things for what they really were and not only the exterior; as days passed and she would see Spencer from time to time and have a glimpse into his real self, she started falling for Spencer's personality—there was more to Spencer than he led people to believe and only Sarah saw glimpse after glimpse until Spencer started opening up to her while he was drunk.

Sarah knew that Spencer was being beat up by his uncle Jackson but wouldn't dare say anything to anyone because Spencer begged her not to do so. She wanted to tell her dad, knowing he would help since he was a police officer, but Spencer wouldn't have any of it. It wasn't until one night that Sarah finally told her dad, which played a part in Sarah's father's death, sending Sarah, her mom and her sister to a new territory, never to look back to the town where Sarah had fallen in love and got her heart broken.

Five years later, Sarah decides to come back to the town she left behind because she wants justice for her father's murder and she uncovers dark secrets that her mother knew, but never told Sarah. She also sees the guy that broke her heart, only to find out that Spencer really loved her but he pushed her away because he was too fucked up to stay in her life and he wanted to protect her.

"I knew it would be you," he said. "I knew you were the one to stay away from."

I know you want to hear (or rather read) more about Sarah but I want to talk about Spencer. Spencer was the kind of guy that every girl liked and wanted, He was very kind and charismatic, but he also had secrets that were scarring him inside and out and this is where I related to him. He was so closed off, not wanting to get close to anyone, not wanting to open up, only to deal with everything on his own until Sarah came along.

His outlet was music, just like mine was reading, but it wasn't enough for Spencer and it wasn't enough for me. After five years, his feelings for Sarah were still there, growing each day he would spend time with her. Their secret place? The sand dunes at the beach.

"The ocean had always been the only witness to our relationship."

This story is definitely something great and amazing and beautiful. I had never read a book by Debra Doxer but after Play of Light, I will pay attention to her because she has a way with words that really hooks you until the end. I wanted more, I needed more every time a chapter would end. Even at the ending of the story, I still wanted more because this story is breathtakingly beautiful. The romance in the story develops at a pace that is in between of slow and fast. It doesn't go too slow so the reader won't get frustrated but not fast, which leaves the readers needing air to breathe.

While I gave you a small summary of what the story is about, a LOT of stuff happens in the story that will throw you in a great, wild ride that you will enjoy entirely until it ends and you will want more.

Read my personal experience through this journey on GenGen's Book Blog.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 December, 2014: Reviewed