Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Whether you are a counseling, pastor, life coach or just something that is good with listening this is a keeper for your permanent shelf. Basically a text book, this manual breaks things down and answers a lot of question. It is even a valuable tool for someone just curious about what Christian Coaching is. I have to admit, when this arrived on my doorstep (again another one that I say is due to my non committal of a genre) I assumed it was another book about sports. So I put it on the back burner and figured I would get to eventually.

My was I surprised when I realized that this was coaching as in a "life coach". Oops. Now that I know what this book was for I was interested. Cracking open the beginning of these 400+ some odd pages I was introduced to the Foundations of Christian Coaching followed by three chapters of the Skills necessary. Then there are some more brief sections on an Assessment, Vision and Stategy, Action and Obstacles with lots of lists of goals. Lastly, this textbook rounds off with great chapters of Specialities in Christian Coaching and the Practice.

What a wealth of information! This is entertaining for one thing but so educational. It is a great reference tool to come back to again and again for reassurance and coming back to a standing stasis. The last hundred pages are Appendixes (reminds me of my dad's book) that would be a great book on their own.

If you are in a line of work that is in guiding people or helping people or let's face it "coaching". You really need this book.

*Thanks to NavPress for providing a copy for review.*

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  • 16 July, 2010: Finished reading
  • 16 July, 2010: Reviewed