Ride a Cockhorse by Raymond Kennedy

Ride a Cockhorse (New York Review Books Classics)

by Raymond Kennedy

A satire on the American way of business in the 1990s, the book centres on Frances Frankie Fitzgibbons, a widowed, mild-mannered home loan officer, who is transformed almost overnight into a tyrant full of greed, ambition and sexual voracity, initiating a reign of terror among other employees.

Reviewed by viking2917 on

2 of 5 stars

Kinda fun and kinda funny but I didn't really get it. From the blurb: "Forty-five-year-old Frances Fitzgibbons has gone from sweet-tempered loan officer to insatiable force of nature almost overnight". And she does. This was tongue in cheek or a parody of something, but a New York Review Classic? Huh? I am missing something....

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  • 17 January, 2016: Reviewed