The Turn by Kim Harrison

The Turn (Hollows, Prequel) (The Peri Reed Chronicles)

by Kim Harrison

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison returns to her beloved Hollows series with The Turn, the official prequel to the series that will introduce you to a whole new side of Rachel Morgan's world as they've never seen it before!

Can science save us when all else fails?

Trisk and her hated rival, Kal, have the same goal: save their species from extinction.

But death comes in the guise of hope when a genetically modified tomato created to feed the world combines with the government's new tactical virus, giving it an unexpected host and a mode of transport. Plague rises,...

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Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

4. 5 stars! I loved this - it was so cool to see so many familiar characters at this pivotal stage of human/inderlander history. I do feel that the ending was a bit abrupt - like, "and you all know where this heads, so that's it." personally, I feel like it opened up so many questions about Trent's upbringing, even while it explained so many things - like Qwen's devotion to him. I'm so incredibly curious about the time between this book and the start of book 1, in a way I never was before. So now, I'm hoping for books that I never cared about before lol! I grew really attached to these characters and I just want to know how things unfold - even though I do know where they end up.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 13 March, 2017: Reviewed