Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

So by now if you've read the series we all know what's going on with Val and the gang, so there is really no need for a recap. If you're reading this and have never read the series, I highly recommend you reading it, it's very good, and captivating. Parker Blue has a made a fantastic world, that just sucks you right in, and with each book you just want more.

In this book, Val and a few of the gang travel to Austin to help out with a situation out there. While out there, Val meets another succubus. Instantly she dislikes this succubus for a good reason, she has entralled Shade. And with her being neurotic as she is, she can't handle that. But she has to maintain herself because she has a duty to the Demon Underground, and to the Movement.

During this book she also gets close to the charming, arrogant vampire Austin, haha no pun on the location either.

It's a great book, my only complain on this book and the one following this one, is that Val gets a little whiny about and over Shade. It gets a little unnerving and something I would expect from a character 16 years old and younger not someone who is 18-19years old. But other than that another phenomenal book.

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  • 23 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 December, 2014: Reviewed