Eye Candy by Jessica Lemmon

Eye Candy (Real Love, #1)

by Jessica Lemmon


Jacqueline: As an adult woman—and the vice president of a marketing firm—I shouldn’t be waiting by my office window to ogle the mystery man who jogs by every morning at 11:45. Sure, he’s a gorgeous, perfect specimen of the human race, but I can’t bring myself to hit on a total stranger. However, my best friend–slash–colleague Vince Carson thinks I should do more than talk to the guy. In fact, he’s borderline obsessive about “getting me laid.” (His words.) But the more time we spend together, the more it’s clear: The one I’m falling for is Vince.

Vince: Jackie Butler’s got it bad for some pompous, over-pumped A-hole who struts his stuff past her window. That doesn’t bother me. I know she deserves nice things. What does bother me is that she friend-zoned me big-time last year, so I can’t ask her out myself. But what if I set her up with Mr. Steroids? Then, when he breaks her heart, I can swoop in and save her like the nice guy I am. Everything’s going according to plan . . . until we share a ridiculously epic kiss. And suddenly anything is possible.

Reviewed by chymerra on

3 of 5 stars

I really didn’t care of Eye Candy. Not that it wasn’t a good story, it was, but I couldn’t pay attention to it. I would read a couple of chapters, my attention would wander, I would force myself back to the book and then repeat. I cannot enjoy a book that can’t command my attention for any length of time and unfortunately, Eye Candy was such a book.

I couldn’t connect with Jacqueline (or Jackie or Butler). It wasn’t that she was funny (the lusting after J.T. was hilarious) but she seemed weak. I understand that she got hurt when her husband cheated on her and then they got divorced. I totally get that but she seemed to cling to that like a security blanket. The only man she even saw on a regular basis but denied dating because you know movies and popcorn on a couch with cuddling for months on end is not dating (insert eye roll there). The man she did that with was her coworker, her co-vice president Vince and she was helping him get over a pretty nasty divorce. When she started dating JT, it was so bland, so that I knew where the book was going to end up.

Vince, I felt the same way about. He knew that he wanted Butler and he knew that he didn’t want to risk losing his friendship with her. So he stayed in the friend zone. Of course, when Butler started showing interest in another man (the jogger that he immaturely nicknamed Jaundice), he started to get jealous. Which is such a double standard because he went through a one night stand bender after his divorce was final. There were points in the book where I was like “What the hell, Vince. You’re a moron.” I actually said that out loud, without the Vince part, and my SO looked up and went “Ummm, what did I do now“…haha.

I will say that the sex was hot. Sex on stairs with heels? Yeah, I don’t think either me or my SO could manage that. Either one or both of us would end up hurt and possibly in the hospital. The sex did get better after the first time. The only thing that I really didn’t like was that they went bareback with only their word that they were clean. Listen, I know it is a romance novel but try to be realistic and have them wrap it up. It is a petty thing that drives me nuts when reading romance novels like this.

Now, I will say that I laughed, a lot during Eye Candy. From the pop culture hints (the Bruce Willis references cracked me up) to the strong female characters (Bethany I loved…kicking JT in the nuts was probably the best part of the book). That is the saving grace of this book for me. It was the laughter and the characters had a genuine friendship before they started bumping uglies.

The end of the book was your typical HEA. I am actually looking forward to reading the next book because I want to read Davis’s story (or Bethany’s!!)

How many stars will I give Eye Candy: 3

Why: Weak plot, characters that annoyed me but it did have some great sex scenes and was genuinely funny

Will I reread: No but I would read the other books in the series

Will I recommend to family and friends: No

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and language

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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  • Started reading
  • 12 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2017: Reviewed