The Blue-Ribbon Jalapeno Society Jubilee by Carolyn Brown

The Blue-Ribbon Jalapeno Society Jubilee

by Carolyn Brown

Welcome to Cadillac, Texas, where the jalapeños are hot, the gossip is hotter, and at the end of the day, it's the priceless friendships that are left standing.... Miss Clawdy's Café has won the Jubilee blue ribbon every year since the dawn of time. This year, town matron Violet Prescott is going after that ribbon with an iron-clad determination only thinly disguised by her perfect coiffure and flawless manners, bless her heart.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Carolyn Brown is most known for her contemporary western romances and I was excited to try The Blue-Ribbon Jalapeno Society Jubilee her first venture into woman’s fiction. Brown delivered a humorous tale about four women living in Cadillac, Texas. This was a quick, quirky and enjoyable character driven tale about life in a small town renowned for growing the hottest jalapeños.

Oh my, the things that go on Cadillac Texas! We meet the members of the Jalapeno Society run by; Violet Prescott the town's self-imposed queen and ruler. The tale centers around Trixie Matthews, twins Marty and Cathy Andrews and Darla Jean the newest addition to their social circle. Cathy is planning to wed Ethan Prescott and Violet is planning to control her life just likes she rules her son. Cathy needs to put down her e-reader and smell the burnt coffee! Trixie lives above Miss Clawdy’s café and every Wednesday night she has a romp with her ex-husband, police officer Andy. Darla Jean is a reformed hooker who now preaches the word of God. Everyone is worried about the elections and dealing with life’s daily drama in small town Texas. As this character driven tale unfolded, I laughed and giggled aloud.

Brown has created a unique, sometimes hilarious cast of characters in this small town. Whether you love them or hate them you certainly won’t forget them. Marty, Trixie, Cathy and Darla are all very different and together they are wonderful. Even the twins are night and day; Cathy is soft-spoken and an introvert while Marty just lays it all out there and says exactly what she thinks. Trixie’s relationship with her ex-husband Andy and the woman he cheated on her with Anna Ruth was an interesting tread. Darla is an original and often offers the others a shoulder and advice. Violet is the type of woman you love to hate and secretly hope to see get her comeuppance. Aunt Agnes, god love her; she was my favorite character. Her shenanigans brought tears of joy to my eyes and made my sides hurt. There are other secondary characters we meet who add to the drama or help depict small town life.

I just have to put this out there... the secret to gorwing the hottest jalapeños made me giggle, then squish my nose. This is a heartwarming, hilarious, drama about friendship and small town politics. We see growth, friendship, a little mischief and some hanky-panky all wrapped in a clean southern tale. The tale starts a little slow, but once you get to know the characters you become hooked. The characters all felt believable whether you loved them or loved hating them. While I did not connect with all of them I did understand what drove them and their dynamics in this small town. I enjoyed my visit and would certainly go to Cadillac, Texas again.
ARC received in exchange for unbiased review.
See more of my reviews @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 10 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 March, 2013: Reviewed