Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

Typical romantic suspense. Light on the suspense, heavy on the romance and falling a bit below standard with regards to the plot.

This novella follows the twin sister of Kylie from Lover Undercover. Apart from their initial meeting in the first book most of the relationship between Stacy and Ian is off page. By the time we catch up with them in this novel, they've dated for a year and split up six weeks earlier.

I was a bit disappointed with that, I really liked Stacy in the first book and I would've liked to see more of how Ian eroded her defences and convinced her to date him. Instead, both have been miserable for six weeks.

They reconnect at a Halloween party after Kylie tells Trevor and Ian about the stalker Stacy seems to have acquired. The stalker plot is pretty superficial but drives them to kiss and make up.

I think this was more enjoyable for having read the first one, but it definitely stands on its own for someone looking for a quick steamy read. 3 stars.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 September, 2021: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2021: Reviewed