Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

This is an emotional story about Rick Rottenberg, an older, British, heavy metal rocker. He and his group Corroded Corpse are making a comeback and Rick is plagued by panic attacks and having a hard time writing new music. Rick has a lot to deal with including squabbles with his band mates and constant pressure from his irritating manager. Rick is a shell of a man and is still stuck in the past, with thoughts about his deceased wife constantly on his mind. He meets Sidra Sullivan, a yoga instructor when he decides to take up yoga, hoping it will help him deal with his emotional issues. Rick becomes enamored with Sidra as she teaches him to relax and forgive himself for his past mistakes. Rick and Sidra slowly start a relationship, but their pasts make it hard for them to let down their guard and trust each other. Both of them have been hurt and are careful with their hearts. Even though Rick and Sidra are polar opposites, they just seem to click. They are good together and are able to help each other heal and move forward. I liked the chemistry between Rick and Sidra; I just wish their romance moved a little faster.

The unique characters made this story different and refreshing. Rick is a not a twenty something, he is a mature rock star attempting to make a comeback. I liked Rick, he is a good guy with gentle heart behind his heavy metal persona and he also has a sexy British accent. Sidra’s father is Irish and her mother was from India. Sidra looks Indian and yoga consumes her life. She is a spiritual person and good for Rick’s battered spirit. This is the second book in the Love and Steel series and each book is a stand alone, although the characters in the stories are interconnected. It’s told from both Rick and Sidra’s POV, so we can understand what they are both thinking. There are some entertaining secondary characters that add to the story.

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  • 13 September, 2015: Reviewed