I Crawl Through It by A.S. King

I Crawl Through It

by A.S. King

Four talented teenagers are traumatized--coping with grief, surviving date rape, facing the anxiety of standardized tests and the neglect of self-absorbed adults--and they'll do anything to escape the pressure. They'll even build an invisible helicopter, to fly far away to a place where everyone will understand them...until they learn the only way to escape reality is to face it head-on.

Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

Clearly I am not smart enough to get I Crawl Through It. It's one of those books where nothing is as it seems, and everything is a metaphor for something, and you just don't know what's true or what's just in a character's head. It's all about this group of teens (Stanzi, Gustav, China, and Lansdale) who are all dealing with something and have something odd about them. Stanzi is split into two, Gustav is building an invisible helicopter, China has swallowed herself, and Lansdale's hair grows when she lies. Do I know what any of that is suppose to mean? No.

To say that I Crawl Through It was weird would be an understatement. And I don't just mean the parts that I obviously didn't understand. Some stuff is just straight up weird. What wasn't weird, made me uncomfortable. I honestly don't even know how to talk about this book. It was way beyond me, but I kept chugging through to find out who was sending the bomb threats. But then I was too stupid to realize that the bomb threats were probably a metaphor for something else...

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 October, 2015: Reviewed