Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

This review was first published in Latte Nights Reviews.

I received this eARC for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Amber Hard does it again! I don’t know how this author always manages to bring the feels. She really has a way with words and her writing is always so eloquent.

Jospin has sacrificed his place in his tribe for Raven's life. Now, he is banished and left to die in the woods alone. He seeks refuge at the habitat while he plots to get Raven back, safe and sound. What he doesn't know is that Raven and Clovis are plotting revenge on Jospin's tribe, wanting to bring them all down for being poachers and murderers.

Jospin is a character that your lady parts will not forget (sorry, I had to). He is mature, responsible, protects those he loves the most and he is truly a man of honor in this sequel. We learn just how much Jospin is willing to do to save Raven, show how in love he is with her and make sacrifices that could be deadly.

I can't say much else because it will be filled with spoilers. This story is filled with so many suspense! I read this book in two hours...a book that has 90k words, okay? I was hooked! I tried to stop and read more later but I couldn't. The suspense was eating at me and begging me to keep on reading until I finished the story, which I did. I was so happy to read about Leahcim in Captured By You. I fell in love with this gorilla in the first book and I fell even more in love now that I read more about him.

I had more Clovis time, who is a very respectful man who I wish I could have. Not many would have been loyal but Clovis was very loyal to Raven and Jospin and he never acted on his hidden feelings for Raven. He is truly fantastic and I hope there is at least a novella for his story. I was happy to find out that we really get more of Clovis in this story. I wanted more of him in the first book and I got him now.

The characters in this story are very strong and together, they can be a powerful team. The chemistry is just... Wow! And the sex scenes will have you fanning yourself because whoo, they are intense. Imagine having sex in an exotic forest, or in a cave near a waterfall in an exotic forest... I'm telling you, things can get really hot!

This book was powerful, exposed with raw emotions and filled with passion for both Jospin and Raven and the passion that one has to do what is right and fight until the end for it. My love for gorillas grew again and I hate that poachers do exist and they do this daily. This book is not only fiction but it contains the harsh truth that we don't see where we live but in other parts of the world, it happens. This book gives light and awareness to this matter and it really motivates the reader to find out more.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 May, 2015: Reviewed