Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

This was a first read for me from Rachael Wade and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Some of the characters from her Preservation series are seen in this book, for all you fans out there!

I thoroughly enjoyed this story, it had a little bit of everything that I love in a story. Emma had a lot to overcome, the constant grief from her sister's death, working towards living out her dream, letting her walls come down for a certain someone.

Jackson, well what can I say, he loves the ladies! Me saying that it got himself into trouble more than once, seems silly, but it's so very true, especially when it came to Emma. I loved that we saw the other side of Jackson, he's a care-free, charming man and he genuinely cares about Emma. But she just seems to fail to see that.

Eventually she figures it out and that's where things get interesting. I liked their friendship/relationship it a lot. It seemed like a very realistic relationship, which is what I love reading about in books. All the situations is easily relatable. The one thing that kind of ticked me off was the constant game of push and pull, towards the end ... it seriously toys with the emotions there. Of course, there was a reason for why that was happening, but it was just too much. My emotions couldn't handle ...

Well, I loved the story and there's so much to learn from it. It's easily relatable and I love that aspect. Thankfully this can be read as a standalone, so for all of you out there who have read the Preservation Series, read this one, you'll like it!

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  • Started reading
  • 28 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 October, 2013: Reviewed