The Final Warning by James Patterson

The Final Warning (Maximum Ride, #3)

by James Patterson

Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy and Angel, six extraordinary kids who can fly, are back for another wild adventure as they try to save the world... and themselves.

The Uber-Director who created them is planning a worldwide auction of the children to the highest bidder he sees this as his chance to become a billionaire. But first his mutant army must track them down and capture them which won't be easy.

While in hiding from their predators, all six of them wake one evening having heard voices in their heads, they are being told they have...Read more

Reviewed by ladygrey on

2 of 5 stars

Maximum Ride was clearly a trilogy. But [a:James Patterson|3780|James Patterson|] created great characters that apparently young adults can relate to. So, why not use those characters to good effect and use them to inform kids about global warming, encourage them to do something to make the world better. It's a great idea for a book, but doesn't make for a great story.

There are of course good moments in it. The characters are fun and quirky as always. But there's less emotional interplay between them (except for Fang and Max), there's less action and the plot is a lot of "message" and a few robots (which are a weaker villain than the School or Erasers). I'd have like to have seen more story and the message woven in more subtly, but I'm also not the intended demographic. Maybe it's really effective for teenagers.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 September, 2009: Finished reading
  • 17 September, 2009: Reviewed