Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


I enjoyed this one for the most part. It was a fairly quick read and I very much like this author's style of writing. It's very readable and has a nice flow to it. The pace was quite fast. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. That said, I also thought it was a tiny bit underdeveloped and head scratching at times. The whole "society" thing is still a bit cheesy to me, and I found the entire plotline surrounding that aspect a bit confusing. I didn't find this particularly angsty. There was a little bit of OW drama. It didn't bother me overly much, but I would have rather had Andrea just have been a family friend that wanted more instead of an ex f@ck buddy of Tyson's. There is a smidge of OM drama as well. The couple's attraction was quite instant, but the sex was slow in coming and not overly detailed.

It had an excellent cast of secondary characters. I guess this book and the first in the series run parallel to each other since Chase seems just to be meeting his heroine Kat in this one when he is sent to Three Rivers by Tyson. I am also very intrigued to read about Brody in his upcoming book. Both main characters were very likable. Jewels was a great heroine. She was funny and sassy and sweet. Tyson was quite likable but hard to get a read on, to be honest. He came across young to me (early 20's), but I *think* he was meant to be older. I am not sure though because we never get an age mentioned. I just found his behavior confusing at times. Together as a couple, they were OK. I can't say that I was blown away by their passion for each other. Instead of a spark, it felt more like a smoldering ember that just never turned into a raging inferno. Lastly, it was all wrapped up in a sweet little epilogue.

So like I said I enjoyed it for the most part. Again like in book one I had some issues but also like book one I found myself brushing those aside and getting sucked into the story. So this one gets a solid thumbs up from yours truly, and I looking forward to the next Bennett Brother's book.

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  • 14 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2017: Reviewed