Zentangle Dingbats by Brian Crimmins

Zentangle Dingbats

by Brian Crimmins

Dingbats are a fun way to incorporate the fundamentals of Zentangle into a wide variety of creative projects and bring attention and mindfulness to the smallest corners of your life. Use dingbats to add flair to whatever you're working on-they provide a wonderful complement to any hand lettering, scrapbook and art journaling project.
Small enough to provide a sense of instant gratification when you make them, these "Zenbellishments" require few materials, making them accessible to all skill levels from beginner to advanced.
This book will introduce you to how dingbats are constructed and how to build from that basic structure to create designs uniquely your own. Zentangle Dingbats includes a variety of projects that will allow you to practice using dingbats not only as stand-alone designs, but also as accents and enhancements to other art projects.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of Zentangle Dingbatz through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Zentangle Dingbatz by Brian Crimmons Czt is a fun new way of looking at Zentangle art. What’s Zentangle? Zentangle is the art of creating complex yet structured patterns. It earned its name thanks to the calm it brings for artists, and thus is a widely loved method of relaxing and creating artwork.
This book isn’t simply full of Zentangle patterns, however (though there is some of that). Instead, this book is a guide on alternative ways of creating and using Zentangles. What I especially love about this book is that it gives a detailed explanation on how to do several different designs, while giving the foundation to go out there and create your own.
Zentangle Dingbatz contains several chapters’ worth of tutorials, and they go into a shocking amount of detail. Not just about the design itself, but about the materials and stationary used as well. It’s extremely impressive.
The last thing covered in Zentangle Dingbatz is a gallery of completed artwork. I always love these sections, as they’re highly motivating. It's fun to see what can be done, once you’ve mastered any one art style.

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  • 27 November, 2019: Finished reading
  • 27 November, 2019: Reviewed