Moonshot by Alessandra Torre


by Alessandra Torre

Baseball wasn't supposed to be a game of life and death...

The summer that Chase Stern entered my life, I was seventeen. The daughter of a legend, the Yankees were my family, their stadium my home, their dugout my workplace. My focus was on the game. Chase ... he started out as a distraction. A distraction with sex appeal poured into every inch of his six foot frame. A distraction who played like a god and partied like a devil.

I tried to stay away. I couldn't.

Then, the team started losing.

Women started dying.

And everything in my perfect world broke apart.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Holy shit. I am not even sure how to describe this book. Seriously, you just have to experience it. My full review will be up on release day at The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 29 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 29 June, 2016: Reviewed