Such a Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb

Such a Pretty Face

by Cathy Lamb

After losing 150 pounds from bariatric surgery, Stevie Barrett finds that life isn't so easy as a thinner person, as she contends with a jealous friend, bad romantic relationships, and a difficult family dynamic.

Reviewed by wcs53 on

4 of 5 stars

This was a fairly decent read, containing strong characters and an interesting plot line. I enjoyed the way that the main character's story slowly unravelled, with episodes from her past intertwined with the present. There were some predictable moments, but also enough surprises to keep me engaged to the end. It's not the type of story I often read, but I felt my time was not wasted in reading it.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 2 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 August, 2017: Reviewed