The Children of the Company by Kage Baker

The Children of the Company (Company, #6) (Company S.)

by Kage Baker

Meet Executive Facilitator General Labienus. He's used his immortal centuries to plot a complete takeover of the world since he was a young god-figure in Sumeria. In a meditative mood, he reviews his interesting career. He muses on his subversion of the Company black project ADONAI. He considers also Aegeus, his despised rival for power, who has discovered and captured a useful race of mortals known as Homo sapiens umbratilis; their unique talents may enable him to seize ultimate power. Labienus plans a double cross that will kill two birds with one stone: he will woo away Aegeus's promising protege, the Facilitator Victor, and at the same time dispose of a ghost from his own past who has become inconvenient.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

3 of 5 stars

The Company book #6 is really a collection of stories. It mostly fills in some gaps that had been raised before now, although I don't think it brought anything new to the table. It was interesting to see previous events from a different point of view, but this p.o.v. didn't really add any new revelations.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2010: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2010: Reviewed