Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

This was most definitely a series that grew on my. I wasn't sure about Liam and Tria together when I finished the first book. But as book 2 and 3 took shape, there was an very large emotional journey to be taken and I couldn't put the last two books down.

Liam and Tria meet when he rescues her one night from some would be attackers on her way home from work. Liam scares Tria, just a little bit, but she feels safe with him. The first book focuses on the friendship that develops between Liam and Tria. We learn about her Tria's past and how she deals with her "family" and why she left.

As we moved into book two, the romantic relationship between Liam and Tria begins. They build their own little world in their little apartment, learning to love and trust one another. It's in this book where things start to turn. We knew Liam was running from monsters, but we begin to see just what those monsters are. And as we move into book three, we have to wonder if Liam is going to be strong enough to fight those monsters. Not only for himself, but also for Tria.

I loved book two and three. The emotional depth of these characters got me. There were times in book two where I wished someone would shake Liam, telling him to get his head out of his arse. But as book three rolled around, I wanted to hug him and tell it would be alright, despite knowing he had to take this journey for himself.

These were my first Shay Savage books and I have to say she had me hooked. The series may have started a little slow, but the pace picked up, emotionally captured my attention and made it very, very hard to put the books down.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 August, 2015: Reviewed