Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

I’m not sure where to start with this book. I figured out pretty early that our heroine, Lucy, was going to discover the man she was engaged to is not the adult version of the boy she met when she was sixteen. I kept reading, wonder how this was going to all play out. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the last page I had already thrown my hands in the air with the entire storyline.

Lucy loves Sam. Sam has an accident and no longer remembers Lucy. Lucy enlists the help of Sam’s estranged twin Saxon. Saxon hates everyone but decides to stay and help. You knew from the moment these 3 were together that everything was not as Lucy thought they were.

At first, I felt bad for Lucy. No one wants to hear on their wedding day that their been accident involving the person they’re supposed to marry. But as the story progressed I shifted from feeling bad to being irritated. Lucy let everyone walk all over her. Even when she had moments of a spine, she quickly back peddled or apologized. I needed Lucy to be angry about what had happened. She spent so much time pitying herself and what’s changed when she should have stood up for herself.

It was hard to feel bad from Sam when he was a complete asshole to Lucy. Even as his personality shifted a little and he was trying, I kept waiting for the asshole to come back. And given the things he said and did during his asshole period, I’m not sure why he thought acting sweet was going to be his easy out (which unfortunately it ended up being). I couldn’t see what it was about Sam that Lucy loved so much.

Then there was Saxon, who was shit on by everyone in his family. What was done to him was pretty horrible. When it all came to light you had to wonder how the family could do these things. How could Lucy be so blind as to not recognize what happened?

I’m not sure what is going to happen with these 3 characters. The ending was a hot mess that left me scratching my head wondering why we couldn’t get the HEA now.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 16 June, 2017: Reviewed