Divinity by Patricia Leever

Divinity (The Divinity, #1)

by Patricia Leever

Demons. They're everywhere, hiding in plain sight. Chances are, you've interacted with one or two of them in your lifetime without even realizing it... Demon hunter Evelyn Brighton saves unsuspecting humans from the malevolent creatures masquerading around them every day. Working under the Lebriga Corporation's direction, she never fails to bring her A-game with her keen skill, fiercely independent spirit, and the best weapon in her arsenal: the Divinity blade. Evelyn's world is turned on its ear, however, when she is ordered to train cocky new recruit Daniel Summers. They both feel an instinctive pull drawing them to one another, the ancient spells tattooed into their skin illuminating whenever the two hunters come into contact. But with evil looming over the city of Los Angeles, Evelyn and Daniel's mutual competitiveness and sense of duty to Lebriga and all mankind forces them to hold back their desires. Will their restraint be enough to keep them focused and save southern California, or will the dark forces prevail? Set in modern-day Los Angeles, Divinity is an action-filled, fast-paced marriage of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Edgy, witty, and sexy, it will bind you in its spell.

Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

Well lets begin with ... that I'm a huge fan of this series now and definitely can't wait for the next one. I have no idea why I do this to myself. I love and hate series, there's always waiting involved and it's even worse, when it'll be a while until the next book comes outs.

So, there's Evelyn, bad-ass old chick (haha), who fights demons. She's 135, but sure doesn't look like it, I'd like to know her secrets! And she's a sassy one, which is my ultimate favor, you pretty much don't want to mess with her at all. She will 100% hand your ass to you on a silver platter.

And then Daniel shows up, noobie, needs A LOT of work, thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. But Evelyn has no problem shutting his cocky attitude down.

Before these two even meet, sparks and all sorts of energy is already flying around. And it takes quite some time for them to both figure out , why they both seem to have this undeniable pull towards each other. With the constant these two do on the matts, I'm sure that doesn't help their attraction towards each other. Of course, it takes time for them to realize what is true between them, Evelyn being the most stubborn one of all. Everyone around them sees and tries to tell her, but she just won't have it.

I absolutely love their relationship, their connection is so intense. I knew the banter between them was going to be great based off the first time they met! The dual POV was awesome, it's one of my favorites, when authors choose that route. I love knowing what they're both thinking at the same time. The story flowed very smoothly, it's jam-packed with action, plenty of wit, the surrounding cast was awesome (I definitely want to learn more about all of them). More than anything, I want to learn more about Evelyn and her past. I just found out that there's a prequel about Evelyn, hopefully that'll share more!

It's one of those books for me that I will read again and again!



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  • Started reading
  • 13 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 13 November, 2013: Reviewed