Letting Ana Go by Anonymous

Letting Ana Go (Anonymous Diaries)

by Anonymous

In the tradition of Go Ask Alice and Lucy in the Sky, a harrowing account of anorexia and addiction.

She was a good girl from a good family, with everything she could want or need. But below the surface, she felt like she could never be good enough. Like she could never live up to the expectations that surrounded her. Like she couldn't do anything to make a change.

But there was one thing she could control completely: how much she ate. The less she ate, the better-stronger-she felt.

But it's a dangerous game, and there...Read more

Reviewed by funstm on

1 of 5 stars

Yeah I hated this book.

If you have any issues with eating and body insecurities - DO NOT READ. I am fairly healthy with my attitude to all this sort of stuff and I found it hard.

This is probably one of those really important reads and people should know more about the issue - but I think there's a way to tackle this sort of thing as well. This book was not only full of triggers but it was also depressing as hell. (show spoiler)

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  • 1 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2014: Reviewed