Into the Wild by Lerryn Korda

Into the Wild (Playtime with Little Nye)

by Lerryn Korda

Little Nye, Nella, and Lester want to go with Gracie into the wild, but she is not sure they are brave enough.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

Into the Wild, Playtime with Little Nye is a cute book. It is a wide and different shape from most books which makes it stand out. The recommended age is 1-3 years old and as a mother of a 15 month old toddler that is exposed to a lot of books I have to say this is a good one to add to our shelves. It's different and that makes it interesting. The illustrations are done in a "gouache and digital collage and I had not seen anything quite like that before. The story itself is very cute with each character having their own strengths and weaknesses. I think that easily this book will continue to be valuable even as kids grow and can learn from the characters and set off on a similar adventure "into the wild". The book is durable enough for a toddler, but it's value goes far beyond that age.

*Thanks to Candlewick Press for providing a copy for review.*

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 30 October, 2010: Finished reading
  • 30 October, 2010: Reviewed