Reviewed by Kelsenator on

4 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf

A big thank you to the author for sending me an eBook copy to review!

The world is different than what we know now; everything is run and controlled by the Union after events that happened in the past that were apocalyptical. Almost everybody has lost the ability to read except those working as Readers for the Union, and some of the people who rebel against them. The Readers go through old texts and try to discover any hidden codes or messages as well as other things.

Riana is one of these Readers and she’s living a happy life just working and staying with her sick sister. She has no social life and isn’t too good around other people at first. But even with this, she tends to seem very strong especially when her sister goes missing. She always tries to do what is right, but has an attitude if she needs it.

There is a love triangle in this book but I really liked the way it was done. Mikel, a Soul-Breather, and Connor, and old friend of Riana’s are the love interests. Both men are different but have the best intentions and would do anything for her. Personally I rooted for Mikel. He’s the loner type who never really had anyone to care for before and his world changes for the better when he meets her, even if his job was originally to get information from her. Connor is an important part of the Front but he tries to squash his feelings for her and doesn’t really act on anything. This might change as the series goes on though, who knows.

The plot itself was really good with all the twists and turns. They were trying to figure out who did the kidnapping, how to get Jannie back and of course why everyone wants Riana to begin with. There is so much thought and planning and possible clues of spies going on with the characters and it was great.

The POV changed between different characters that were important to the story, but it wasn’t done per chapter like we usually see. There are smaller sections where they switch, which was neat and I didn’t get as lost with who was speaking as I thought I would!

One thing that did confuse me was the Old Language. I don’t know what I’m supposed to be comparing it to now since this book is technically based in a future world, or if I’m supposed to be comparing it at all. Basic English, or French or something? A little more of a look into what happened in the past and how the cities function now would have been nice too.

All together I loved the characters and their interaction, but could have used more explanations as to prior events. The main character is actually 22 in this, and not a teen. There isn’t any gratuitous violence or sexy scenes so it’s ok for teens to read!

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  • Started reading
  • 5 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 5 September, 2012: Reviewed