Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

2 of 5 stars

This was just phoned in. Seriously all of the investigation happens off-screen while the "story" is basically Waxahachie Smith being hunted by bounty hunters, and being a distraction while off-screen the heroes find out what is causing cows to become sick, which I don't recall seeing how it was sorted, the book ended with what felt like a lot of handwaving. It was written in 1996 and his rantage about liberalism gets tired after a while.

This is like a backdoor pilot, all the Floating Outfit characters appear, several with their wives, complaining about how they're feeling older and you meet several of the next generation. It's weak, wasn't as much fun as I remember but possibly the suck fairy visited.

For tropes found in J T Edson novels see this one featured

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  • Started reading
  • 12 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 May, 2015: Reviewed