Match Me If You Can by Tiana Smith

Match Me If You Can

by Tiana Smith

Mia’s best friend Robyn is Athens High’s most-trusted matchmaker. When Robyn refuses to set Mia up with the guy of her dreams, Mia decides to take matters into her own hands. She uses Robyn’s service to make sure popular Vince falls hard enough to ask her to homecoming. Mia needs things to work out with Vince, and fast.

Vince falls for her, but Mia doesn't count on Logan, the surprisingly suave and persistent school newspaper photographer who’s showing interest in her. That’s not part of Mia’s plan. Mia’s got a perfect solution - direct Logan’s feelings towards her friend Elena.

Except that Elena likes Vince.

Mia has two weeks before homecoming - fourteen short days to put all the right couples back together. Can she fix the mess she made or will she have to kiss her perfect match good-bye forever?

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Trying to beat her bestie's matchmaking system, Mia goes over her head to ensure at least one date with her crush, Vince. But, looking good on paper doesn't necessarily translate to a love match, and Mia learned that the hard way.

Five things I loved

1. This was a hate-to-love romance, which is always pleasing for me. Although I feel like there was some history missing, I did enjoy the tension between Mia and Logan. I loved the way he was always able to push her buttons to get her adorably flustered.

2. Mia's goal was to get a date to the homecoming dance, and apparently, this was a big deal at their school. Because of that, I was treated to a few fabulous grand-gesture type dance-posals, which delighted me.

3. There's a lot of rom-com in this this book. Mia really made a hot mess of everything, and it spilled out in a chain of high school hijinks, which were quite amusing.

4. I have no idea what was wrong with Mia, because I was #TeamLogan all the way. He came off as a real laidback guy without a care in the world, but he slowly revealed there was a lot more to him, than Mia originally thought. Aside from that, I found he was one of the more honest characters in the book, and he may have resorted to some subterfuge, but he still couldn't even fully commit to it. If that wasn't enough, those treehouse scenes and the way he interacted with his younger sister should have sold him as the top choice in the competition for Mia's heart.

5. I know you will see this book referred to as "fluffy", because it was a fun and light read, but it also explored the idea of looking beyond the surface and finding the real person underneath. Vince might have been Mr. Golden Boy, but Logan possessed many qualities, which he kept under wraps, and made him just as golden.

Overall: A charming, "fluffy" romance, which contained the perfect balance of humor, drama, and swoons.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • Started reading
  • 8 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 8 December, 2018: Reviewed