Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

The Blasphemy Box captured me straight away, I guess it is because as a married woman you will always worry your husband will leave you for a younger model, and in this book it does happen. I liked that Maddy is from England originally as I too am from England and I can definitely agree with curse words are our second language. In fact I could relate to a lot of Maddy, I too am a writer, I have been a single parent, I have tried internet dating and I write a blog. I have not gone through a divorce though.

The book was very insightful, funny, witty, and sarcastic with lots of emotion including sadness when Maddy’s husband leaves her.

It was a fantastic read, I really enjoyed it and I will definitely be reading more from Mandy Behbehani.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 May, 2013: Reviewed