Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Before reading this book I checked out Amazon and Goodreads for a summary of the book and couldn’t find one. So here is one, Stacy Beaumont, a young witch, ogles Nick Connolly in her local coffee shop. He turns out to be her boss’ new client and when he drops by the office she casts an attraction spell on him. Whether the spell works and what happens from there is the focus of the rest of the novella.

This was a quick read, too quick. I know it is a novella but it felt shorter. Just as I started to feel comfortable with Nick and Stacy the story ended, bummer. That is my only complaint. The Magick of Christmas had everything I need in a book – great love scenes, Christmas and a fun story. There is a touch of magic as suggested by the title but it isn’t the focus of the story. This novella really is all about meeting someone special and making dreams come true.

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  • 4 April, 2013: Reviewed