Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

Created is the third book in the Watched Series. I have to say that this book has become my favorite. I not only liked all of the action, but I felt that Christy/Ari had become her own person, not always being led around solely by authority figures. Christy/Ari has really grown from the shy teenager that we met in the first book Watched.

This book is centered around a spy school, secreted away in Belgium, that Ari and her friends are attending. They gain new skills to help them learn to protect themselves, and also to ensure a new career for the future. Ari becomes a star because of everything she learned while she was undercover. (You can read all about that in the 2nd book, Protected.) She is so advanced that after two weeks she is sent on her first "real" mission.The level of mystery and angst is upped to new levels in Created. Author Cindy Hogan can be commended for writing such a "sit on the edge of your seat" book as Ari is faced with new friends, a new identity and new bad guys. Ari's new kick-butt attitude is great as she learns that she is stronger and smarter than she realized. She also figures out that being a spy is much harder and more dangerous than she had planned on.

I suggest reading Book 1:Watched and Book 2: Protected. before you read Book 3: Created. It is fun to see not only the growth of main character Christy/Ari, but also the growth of Author Cindy Hogan in her writing journey. This is a YA book, but don't be fooled, adults will also enjoy the adventure that Created will take you on.

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  • 1 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2012: Reviewed