Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

I really liked this book! C. Michelle Jefferies is a great writer. She knows how to write action, and pull in her readers from the first page. Emergence is the kind of book that you never want to put down until the last page. The main protagonist can be aloof at times, but also is a deep thinker. He grows on you so much! Antony is someone that you can see being the next James Bond; he is that charismatic, but he is also very deadly in his role as an assassin.

I was so totally shocked at the ending I wanted to throw the book across the room...until...I learned that Emergence is a prequel to a series. I was relieved to hear that information and liked the book again. The prequel leads into a new beginning for Antony. The main character's life is changed because of what happens in the prequel. As I always do, I am giving out NO information because that would totally ruin it for other readers. Just know, this is one book that you don't want to miss reading. If Emergence is an example of C. Michelle Jefferies writing skills, there is a whole lot more that readers have to look forward to! This story is appropriate for adults and older teens because of the violence. Bring on more of this series...quickly!!

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  • Started reading
  • 16 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 16 March, 2013: Reviewed