The Eternal Sea by Angie Frazier

The Eternal Sea

by Angie Frazier

Realizing that the magic of Umandu, the stone that grants immortality, is not done, seventeen-year-old Camille accompanies Oscar, Ira, and Randall to Egypt, where all their lives are in grave danger.

Reviewed by rakesandrogues on

4 of 5 stars

Review Overview:

Romance, fantasy, historical, and adventure all packed into one novel
Starts off with a bang
Delicious romance
Fantastic sequel that will not disappoint fans of Everlasting

Note: I read an insanely early version of this novel.

This is the last book that I got to read for the lovely editor I worked with at Scholastic before the end of my internship. I also read Everlasting during this internship, which I absolutely adored so I jumped at the chance when my editor offered me to read it. At the time, THE ETERNAL SEA was known to me and Angie as #thebookwithoutaname because it was only known as Everlasting #2 while Angie and the editors tried to come up with a title.

I love Everlasting and THE ETERNAL SEA because it combines so many different genres that I enjoy. THE ETERNAL SEA definitely packs romance, fantasy, historical, and adventure all into one novel. Everything was escalated in the sequel! It had been a while since I read Everlasting, but THE ETERNAL SEA does a great job in catching up where the story left of. It can be read by itself, if one truly wishes, but I think you’ll miss out on the build-up to the foundation of Camille and Oscar’s relationship – an important thing to understand when reading the sequel. THE ETERNAL SEA started out with a bang and kept it going all the way through. The novel is fast-paced and I couldn’t put it down. The magic in this book, in my opinion, is elevated onto a whole new level. It is a lot more complex and we, as readers, learn more about the story behind the stones.

I think the best part of this book is the love triangle that emerges. I am 100% Team Oscar, but the drama between Oscar, Randall, and Camille was just too delicious. Camille definitely gets her share of attention in this book. The frustration jumps right of the page to the point where I want to rip my hair out and scream, “WHY?!” I love the chemistry between Oscar and Camille. It’s definitely one of the top reasons why I love the book.

To me, the book will always be known as Eventide. It was one of the title suggestions that Angie gave her editor, which I absolutely loved. THE ETERNAL SEA won out in the end – which is still a pretty good name. I give THE ETERNAL SEA a rating of four stars. I truly enjoyed the book, but I hated how the ending left me hanging with a bittersweet feeling. (Can’t say more… wouldn’t want spoilers!)

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  • 24 November, 2010: Reviewed