Grounded Hearts by Jeanne M. Dickson

Grounded Hearts

by Jeanne M. Dickson

In the midst of World War II, Ireland has declared herself neutral. Troops found on Irish soil must be reported and interned, no matter which side they are fighting for. When midwife Nan O’Neil finds a wounded young Canadian pilot at her door, she knows she’s taking a huge risk by letting him in. Not only is she a widow living alone, but if caught harboring a combatant, she’ll face imprisonment.

Still, something compels Nan to take in “flyboy” Dutch Whitney, an RAF pilot whose bomber has just crashed over County Clare. While she tends to his wounds and gives him a secret place of refuge, the two begin to form a mutual affection—and an unbreakable bond.

But Nan has another secret, one that has racked her with guilt since her husband’s death and made her question ever loving again. As Nan and Dutch plan his escape, can he help restore her faith?

Reviewed by Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe) on

4 of 5 stars

Ms. Dickson is a new to me author. I really enjoyed getting to know her work through this wonderful historical fiction novel! From start to finish, I was pulled into the center of the story and kept there until the very last page was reached. 
This book was a double bonus for me! I have always loved Ireland(even if I haven’t ever visited there!) and I have always loved the World War II era. This book is the best of both those worlds. Filled with wonderful details of historic happenings, and characters like Nan and Dutch that quickly steal your heart, I felt like I was transported back into the world of Hitler, and emotions so strong that they become the reader’s emotions. 
Ms. Dickson is definitely an author I recommend. She created this 4 star novel with passionate detail to another place in time, and left me feeling all the feels with this book. I loved the story line of redemption and hope. I can’t wait to read another book by this talented author! 

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  • 28 July, 2017: Reviewed