When You're Ready by J L Berg

When You're Ready (Ready)

by J L Berg

She wasn't ready.
She'd never be ready,
...to say goodbye.

Clare Murray knew that all too well. Still holding the last letter her husband wrote her before he died, those words, written in his quirky, messy handwriting, "When You're Ready," still bring her to her knees. And that was so long ago...

Now, when fate brings her face-to-face with a stormy-eyed doctor intent on changing her mind, Clare might finally be willing to take a second chance at love. But when she finally relents and allows Logan Matthews into her heart, their love is tested in all-too-familiar ways. It's up to them to fight for what they want as Clare learns that you're never truly ready...

Until you're ready to risk it all.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I am so glad I received a review copy of this book. I've discovered JL Berg is one of those authors I can turn to when I want something that has fun, sexy characters and a storyline that has the perfect mixture of emotions, sex and humor.

There were so many ways a story about a widow, with a small child, and the playboy doctor could have gone, but I'm glad the author made Logan Matthews someone you loved instantaneously. Even though he was a man who wasn't in touch with his emotions and used women as a mechanism for release, he put all that behind him when he met Clare and her daughter Maddie. You could almost see the alpha male light switch flip on the moment his walked into the triage room in the ER. He made mistakes, but his heart and feelings for Clare were always front and center...even as he made the mistake.
Clare had a bit of bad luck when it came to romance, since he husband and college sweetheart had passed away from cancer. But she was strong and moved on for the sake of her little girl. She was resistent to Logan, knowing what his past was, but she found herself unable to fight the draw. He taught her how to love again, but she (and Maddie) showed him how to love period. Showed him what a happy home was and gave him a family.

If you're a fan of Marie Force, this is definitely a book you'll want to pick up....especially if you love it when the love weary playboy falls hard and fast.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 March, 2014: Reviewed