Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

First off, I want to say how mad I am at Jennifer Peel right now. First she kept me up until 1:30 am this morning because I couldn't put down The Girl in 24B. And now I missed doing chores around the house this evening because I had to finish Trouble In Loveland. I mean, really Jennifer, do you have to make your books so gripping that people can't put them down? :-) Fortunately, there is only one more of her books I haven't read yet. And I will wisely not attempt to even pick it up until I've got my laundry folded whenever I find time to do that this week.

I should have known that this book wouldn't be predictable. And though the romance is sweet, and the story funny, there are some deep issues that are brought up like in all of her books. I had a love/hate relationship with Ryan throughout the story and felt the pain and hope Charlee experienced.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2015: Reviewed