Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers

Her Mother's Hope (Marta's Legacy, #1)

by Francine Rivers

This is the first in a two-book saga that explores the complicated relationships between mothers and daughters over four generations near the turn of the 20th century. Fiery Marta leaves Switzerland determined to find life on her own terms. Marta's experiences convince her that only the strong survive -- and she determines to raise strong children. Marta's oldest daughter, Hildie, finds her calling as a nurse which gives her independence if not the respect of her mother. When Hildie starts a family of her own, she's determined that her daughter never doubt her love -- but the challenges of life conspire against her vow. Each mother is forced to confront her faulty, but well-meaning desire to help her daughter find her place in the world.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

As a fan of author [a:Francine Rivers|6492|Francine Rivers|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1225995933p2/6492.jpg] best selling novel [b:Redeeming Love|11422|Redeeming Love|Francine Rivers|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1166475085s/11422.jpg|820210] I was excited to learn that she was coming out with a new long book. I mean five hundred pages long. It is not often that you can find good epic novels these days and I was eager for this first book in a two book series. In reading [b:Her Mother's Hope|6926176|Her Mother's Hope (Marta's Legacy)|Francine Rivers|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51jXUX6RvHL._SL75_.jpg|7155865] I was not disappointed. Very thought provoking it makes me consider my own actions in raising my daughter as well as to look back on experiences of my own childhood and memories of my mother while I was younger. Mis-communication is a powerful thing that often does not get resolved and on the off chance that things can be put to right opportunities are invaluable.

The note from the author at the end of this book tells you that this book was a journey of her own in an attempt to understand a misunderstanding between her mother and grandmother. It is fascinating to see history intertwined into the pages of fiction and bring the characters to life. Even though this is her family story brought to view, it is easy to see bits and pieces of other lives in the characters. I find this book to be very educational and eye opening. You never seem to realize how when you try so hard to do one thing you might be accomplishing another.

Full of emotions all over the spectrum [b:Her Mother's Hope|6926176|Her Mother's Hope (Marta's Legacy)|Francine Rivers|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51jXUX6RvHL._SL75_.jpg|7155865] is a book that you will want to make time for as it will be hard to put down. I recommend the story, I look forward to sharing it with my mother and I am eager for the second book in the two-book series "Her Daughter's Dream".

*A complimentary copy of this book was provided to the me as a blog tour host by Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for posting this interview on my blog. Please visit Christian Speaker Services at www.ChristianSpeakerServices.com for more information about blog tour management services.*

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  • Started reading
  • 24 April, 2010: Finished reading
  • 24 April, 2010: Reviewed