Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Warning: This is an M/M story with very graphic sex scenes.

I really enjoyed this book. I thought the plot was done well and my interest was held through the entire story. I love cop/mystery/whodunit stories and I usually end up trying to figure out who the bad guy is before he or she or they are actually revealed. I was so wrong in this story. Seems I tried looking for a conspiracy where there was none.

Cort and Gallagher met in under less than ideal circumstances, but ended up hitting it off, exchanging numbers and knowing glances. Their first sexual encounter was a little too soon for my taste. The sex scenes were carnal and very hot. I loved the witty banter each time they were together. I enjoyed watching their journey from strangers to lovers. And even though they were lovers, they didn’t let it get in the way of doing their jobs.

I really I wish this book was longer. There were so many secondary characters I would have liked to see more of and to find out what sparked the animosity between Cort and his lieutenant.

Overall it was a very entertaining read that had me wanting more!

Reviewed by Elizabeth for Cocktails and Books

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  • 2 August, 2013: Reviewed