Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

She's done it again everyone! I was such a fan of the first book in this series, Shadows of Asphodel, I was overjoyed to be asked to be a part of this blog tour. It took no hesitation on my part, I'm just in love with Wendel & Ardis' story!

Gosh, where do I even start? It's going to be tough to do this review without spoiling anything at all. I suppose, I'll just talk about all the elements that I did love.

I still don't have a full understanding of the whole dieselpunk era, but this series just makes that even more fascinating. The technology during this era is completely awesome, when I was reading this, I was just wondering what it would be like if we had them in present time, especially this little "bug" invention. They were definitely sneaky little buggers.

Wendel & Ardis - I ship the crap out of them! Both of them and their bad-assery! Plenty of steamy scenes, fighting scenes, and TONS of humorous dialogue between the two --- like FRENCH TOAST! And guess who we get more of? KONSTANTIN ... you'll love all of that.

If you read the first, you'll love this one even more! The 2nd edition is such a great follow-up to the first one and I just want this series to go on forever and ever. I think the whole steampunk/dieselpunk really adds to this series, to me, it definitely makes it stand out more than other series. It makes it rather unique and it's definite first in any of my reads. I love that element! You'll love all the characters, everything that happens in this story, there's just a lot of love going around.

BRAVO, when's the next one?!

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  • Started reading
  • 21 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 July, 2014: Reviewed